Behind our smiles is the memories of two 17 year olds who really thought they were mature enough to get married.
Behind our smiles is the years we lived for ourselves, rough years of seperations, tons of hurts that left wounds that only a Holy God could heal. We still have to wonder how we ever made it through those hard times trusting only in ourselves. .
Behind our smiles are seven precious babies we lost in the first 12 years of marriage.
Behind our smiles is the memory of Ace massive heart attack that laid him down without hope except God was not finished yet with His prodigal son.
Behind our smiles is thankfulness for Christians who loved the lost enough to knock on our door to invite us to church.
Behind our smiles is the wonderful two children God gave to us.
Behind our smiles is the healing power of God's love giving us eternal life, restoring our marriage and working with and through these weak frail vessels.
Behind our smiles is the 30 some years of full time ministry, most of it in over seas missions.
Behind our smiles is two hearts that beat for the exact same grow in our knowledge of His love for us and tell others of this love.
Behind our smiles is the awareness God is not finished with us yet, even in our aging bodies He excites our souls to what He has for us to do next.