I was challenged while on a trip back to our home area in Kentucky. You see everyone there knows I sing so I am called upon to do so as soon as I walk into some churches. Knowing this you would have thought I would take special care to remember my sound tracts, but I didn't. Really I was hoping I could get out of it which tells you the "song" had left my heart. Up to about 8 years ago I was learning a new song once a month in hopes I would get a chance to sing it. Then I remembered it was a little over eight years ago we went to Papua New Guinea and had some of the toughest years of our Christian life and very few opportunities to sing. Besides the enemy of my soul dropped these words in...no one wants to hear an old woman sing. Then God dropped these words in my heart and the devil had to flee.
God said, find a song that speaks to your heart that you know well and can do without any music.
The Greatest Of All Miracles
I wasn't there by the shores of Galilee, when Jesus touched those blinded eyes and made them see
And though I did not see the empty tomb, that day, I still believe
Yes I know what Jesus did for me.
Now I believe there is power in the blood of the Lamb
And I believe there is healing in the touch of His hand
But the greatest of all miracles is when Jesus touch me
Yes I know what Jesus did for me
Now I have seen the lowest sin sick soul, have life anew, be made pure, pure and whole
And I have felt Him loose the chains of sin and set my spirit free
Yes I know what Jesus did for me.
My voice is not what it use to be of course but again I realized it's is the heart of a song that counts and the heart of the person singing it. Both were right each times I sang. God never leaves us without a song.
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