Facebook and I have been friends for a few years. It drew me in while we were in Papua New Guinea as a way to keep up with family and friends. In the past I have been hacked with some awful stuff and have even thought about getting off of fb. Then there are the times I have posted something by accident and reap misunderstanding from those I care deeply about . I post a lot of Christian quotes that some tell me have encouraged their hearts which makes all the hackers and misunderstanding worth it.
Again this may not be your cup of tea in singing but it blesses my heart. I like singing and messages to get right to the point being, God hates sin, He loves sinner, He sent His son to die for the sinners. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:21-23.
Charles Spurgeon said: Jesus died for sinners , cannot we live for sinners? Where is our tenderness? Where is our love for Christ if we do not seek His honor in the salvation of sinners? Oh that the Lord would saturate us through and through with an undying zeal for souls.
These guys have the message and aren't afraid to sing it and thousands of believers have shared this small clip to encouraged. It's the simple gospel message in simple singing, no frills, no instrument's to cover the kids and even the mistakes in the singing. Funny I had to listen to it about 10 times before I heard the one spot they were flat. What my heart heard was someone singing about my Lord who cares for every lost soul out here just as He did mine. It challenged me...hope it does you to tell someone this week about Jesus before it's too late.
I would love to know, when did you get saved, born again , become a believer, a follower of Christ?