The testing has been pretty fierce lately because I am working to put together the contents of a three part session on being " wise hearted". My mind says, how can I speak on being wise hearted when I have been everything but wise lately with my attitude, my words, my thoughts? While in my pit of despair I looked back to some notes I know God gave me concerning this issue. Maybe you can help me with this list.
A proud heart is not a wise heart.
A strong willed heart is not a wise heart.
A fearful heart is not a wise heart.
An anxious heart is not a wise heart.
A forgetful heart is not a wise heart.
An unforgiving heart is not a wise heart.
A weak willed heart is not a wise heart.
A materialistic heart is not a wise heart.
A stubborn heart is not a wise heart.
An angry heart is not a wise heart.
A cold heart is not a wise heart.
A comparing heart is not a wise heart.
A boxed heart is not a wise heart. (When we try to put God in our box we limited Him and limited ourselves from seeing God's ways.
What would you add to my list of what keeps us from having a wise heart.