Since the issue of my heart condition came up I have been pondering what I want my years left to be full of. We love the ministry we do for New Tribes and don't plan to retire yet. Next priority for us is being with our adult children and grandchildren. As I said, our daughter and family live in cold northern MN., little place called Blackduck. Our son and his family living in southern California and we reside with them year round. But I want a few months of the year, when it is the warmest to reside with our daughter and family. Which is what resulted in a search for a RV, older one but functional.
Now if you know anything about the state of MN., know this, it if full of lakes, full of the best tasting fish so there are always tons of RV for sale. Everyone wants to upgrade. which is kind of nice because we are not looking to upgrade just looking to find one that fits our need without too much cost. Ace sits for hours looking at different kind, 5th wheels, class c, class b, class what ever else there is. You can get some pretty fancy 5th wheels or huge bus type RV''s and put yourself over your head in debt. Well, we are not debt people, and have never been so we set a ceiling on what we knew we could pay cash for and on went the search.
Two kept popping up, both nice, exactly our style, affordable, plenty of room and wouldn't you know both are only about 30-40 miles from where our daughter and family lives. That's when fear moved in and replaced the excitement we had been feeling. Funny, fear is not afraid of age or wisdom, and no matter how much experience one has had fear can sneak around the corner and blindsides you.
What if we buy it, get it set up and one of us get sick and we never get to use it?
What if, we buy it and the furnace, goes out, or roof caves in from too much snow on it?
Oh, I could go on and on with the what if's, there are plenty to go around if you want to borrow one.
Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy. Not sure who quoted this but I love it but not more then the words of our Lord.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
Prayer has been answered, peace reigns, and now we are the owner of a 2002 RV. It will be parked at our daughters, all set up and ready for us when we get the time to go visit them which should happen the end of May.
Well fear took a hike since it could not make us inactive. I have a few more months of recovery to go before we can make a trip up to MN. Next week is my visit to the Cardiologist and I am hoping he says yes to a ministry trip we would like to make the end of March. It's a little closer then Mn. but will require a few days on the road and several nights in a hotel. I am feeling pretty good for a 70 year old heart patient. Again, thanks for all the encouragement...