We listened to their story of how God moved on their heart to become foreign missionary also heard concern about their son, Leo health issues.
God was working to relieve their concerns. Indonesea has some great doctors and hospitals. Truthfully, they were putting their trust in the Lord for all their lives
It's never easy leaving family, friends, especially

On this side of the big pond as we call the ocean
were some Grandparents needing a grandchild
touch. There is nothing any sweeter then to see
family step off that plane after countless hours
of flying and waiting in foreign airports.
I know you will enjoy the smiles and tears of this Grandma as she and Grandpa see where those precious grand children live everyday. Their understanding will become richer as they watch God work through their children and grand children. Ace and I have been a part of encouraging several parents and grand parents to take a risk and go visit their grown children and grandchildren and see them live a life in Christ outside their comfort zone. They say our eyes affect our hearts, I think you will be able to hear and see that on the face of these grandparent. Enjoy.
If you get a chance, go visit a missionary in the country they serve in. It does not have to be your children, could be a friend living in a foreign country, a missionary from your church. Maybe you can't go due to time, health but maybe you can help pay a parent or Grandpa and Grandma way to go see their family. There is nothing , absolutely nothing like seeing them get off the plane and receive the best hugs in the world. Walking in their world leaves the message that you care beyond yourself about your family or friend.
When James Calvert went out as a missionary to the cannibals of the Fiji Islands, the ship captain tried to turn him back, saying, “You will lose your life and the lives of those with you if you go among such savages”. To that, Calvert replied, “We died before we came, he said.
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