Age has a way of creeping up on a person and suddenly you become aware of the reality of your immortality. That reality can either make you depressed which at times it has had that affect on me. But the flip side of that reality is an urgency to use what time and health is left to somehow be a part of bringing those out of darkness into the glorious light of Jesus Christ. We three couples in this picture could easily have stayed in our home countries and because of our age and health issue no one would blame us.
I remember being at a huge christian retreat with about 6 thousand people and the man of God brought a powerful message to a room full of mostly retired people. We were leaving in a week for the other side of the sea to serve to Papua New Guinea. Standing in line waiting to get in I started passing out our prayer cards only to hear that's great you are doing that but I could never do that. I wondered are we crazy at our age doing what we were about to do..we could buy a camper and travel around to retreat after retreat hearing powerful messages and hearing great music that inspires. The risk are sometimes great when living in an undeveloped country at our age but the benefits are great. Now we just look to His word for those powerful messages and spend time with folks like these in the picture who like us did not let their age and health issues stop them from allowing God to use those years of experience and wisdom gained through years of living life, being faithful in the small things God ask us to do. I would love to add more people our age to this picture to be a part of the exciting work of God in Papua New Guinea. Step out and join us.