Tuesday, December 31, 2013


This past year I have felt my perspective slip often into the cynical cycle which made me see mud and not stars.  Or maybe it's the other way around, I have viewed the mud of life and it made me cynical.  Either way my perspective from behind the prison bars of life has taken a hit and left me sometimes discouraged and depressed.  Our circumstance is not everything but our perspective on our circumstances is everything.   So I have been thinking of ways to change my view inside my life. 

Become more thankful...even when I don't feel thankful...find something as simple such as breathing to be thankful for.  Mix mud with a few seeds,  some sunshine and flowers will grow.

Become more others minded even when I don't want to think about others, do something kind, on purpose for  someone else.    Help them build a mud pie. 

Add more laughter to my life, either at myself  or with others  but laugh more.  Enjoy a mud fight and a dance in the rain with some friends. 

Cry more...tears  not only refresh the eyes but wash the mud from my  soul  so I   can see more clearly which will change my  perspective.

Have a treasure hunt in the mud instead of just  wallowing in it.  

From my perspective this is the cutest picture.  But for some of you a cute dog picture would work better.  Remember I said I was looking for ways to change my perspective and since I love cats this picture works for me.  What works for you? 


  1. I say Amen!!! Our Father hears and answers, Betty. From my "perspective" you're a bit too hard on yourself, but I appreciate the High standards you hold yourself to.

    Our gift of free will allows us to choose how we're going to react to any given situation. If our Father either causes or allows all things, it's our job just to trust. He is faithful! Is He not?

    Awesome post… and I like cats...

  2. He is faithful my brother...He is faithful. Knowing He is faithful is why I ask Him to go deep recently and look what He revealed. It's using what we already know that drives truth deep. I have enough truth in me to last the rest of my lifetime, just want to apply it when needed. I live very close to the scripture, take heed my sister if you think you will not fall...

    My friends tell me the same thing, a little too hard on yourselves aren't you Betty? I have learned to love being peeled layer by layer by the Lord, oh not the process but the results.

    Glad you like cats...would have one now if Ace would let me. Oh the things I give up for that man...Thanks Floyd for your perspective on my post, I appreciate you.

  3. I don't do well making a list of resolutions. That is not to say that I am perfect, just that my Father has led me to find those moments where He points out an area that needs growth, and be obedient - no matter what time of year it is.

    I hope that your year is blessed in all ways.

  4. You are a wise woman Susan. God does not make a list on us at the start of each new year. It's moment by moment with the Lord. Thanks for the reminder of this piece of wisdom. Blessing.

  5. Well said Betty. I think if truth be known, all of us need a fresh perspective from time to time. The beginning of a new year is a great time and place to start.

  6. I am always amazed when I look back to Jan 2013 just how much has happened in my life. We live in California which I would have never dreamed of doing, it just was not on our radar. God still continue to be faithful through God's people who think what we do is worthy enough to share some of their finances with. A new year does not excite me much unless I think He could come in 2014, that excites my heart. I end this past year with a grateful heart at the grace that was always there for what ever came our way. Fills me with hope because He will do it again this year and the next till He takes me home. Blessings on your brother and the flock God has put you in to shepherds.

  7. Wise words Betty! We should all be more thankful and look at our cup as half full and not half empty. I need to focus on this more because like you said, the mud of life can really pull you down and we need to be looking at the stars.

    Blessings in 2014.

  8. We all deal with some kind of mud in our life either caused my us or others. ONe of the things that stood out to me as we watch Bolivian make mud bricks. They needed the mud PLUS straw or weeds of some kind to form a strong brick. Straw without mud will never form bricks. Mud mixed with Him makes a strong brick. Thanks for stopping by child of God.

  9. What a refreshing take on a perspective. Why not use the mud and create something beautiful! Mud pies, mud bricks and seeds in the mud will make a delightful tomorrow.
    Thanks for sharing with us here at "tell me a story."

  10. Hazel, it was refreshing for me to write this post. And my mind has been thinking about mud since, have another post in the works on some more thoughts. Thanks for hosting Tell Me A Story...I have met some great people of faith on your site.

  11. You have your normal comment section back!! Yay! Now I don't need to be a google plus member to comment. Thanks.

    I hear you about the dangers of my perspective and focus. I wrestle with that as well. What's helped me this last year are: picking up the counting gifts habit again, and also writing out some verses that tackle my specific sin struggles and reading them again and again to myself when the moments are hard.

    Thanks for stopping by my post "He Asked Me With His Eyes," and for your comments. Yes, that courage they show to ask, and the desperation that must be there if there is a need associated with children or family too. Phew.

    I was honored to be able to exchange eye contact and some human contact with this gentleman, however short.

    Thanks for stopping in, Betty.

    Jennifer Dougan

  12. As always I was blessed by your blog post. You write with wisdom and a tender heart for the lost. Your words are always directed at others and not yourself.
    I had to go back to the regular google because google plus was messing up my post. Truthfully I so not a tech person, really need to a blogging 101 course. I like the reply at the end of each comment google plus gives but for now I will leave things the way they are. Blessings sister.

  13. What a great word to choose, Betty! It helps me to have a better perspective just seeing it. :) I'll look forward to seeing how God will work it out in your life this year. I can already tell He'll do amazing things with it.

  14. Thanks Lisa for the kind words. There have been some interesting things happen since I picked that word...things I sure needed God perspective on. One of the reason I surf in the blog world is that it does help me sort out some things in my life. Just reading comments to others post is an encouragement in itself. Blessings my wise hearted sister.

  15. Betty~~
    We are so human--sometimes I think we forget about that fact and try too hard to do things when our bodies have been screaming at us---STOP!!

    Today I saw my Pain Doctor and got sobering news--things must change and I don't get to be MAD about it. My actions not only impact my future health but have a HUGE impact on my precious Husband! So I will be learning 'WITH" you--laughter, tears, doing something for another.

    My prayers of support are for you dear Betty!

  16. I can relate to all that you wrote, Betty. I need more of the same! Love the cat photo--it's just what I would have picked! Blessings to you!

  17. I feel nudged to look more at the big picture. I get bogged down in details and my focus blurs. I'm always encouraged by your wisdom, Betty!

  18. Hi Betty,

    It seems the older I get, the harder it is, at times to hold on to a positive perspective with regards to certain circumstances in my life. Perhaps it has to do with mortality, as when one is young, they have their whole life ahead of them to accomplish their goals and live their dreams. Your words today were very inspiring and made me realize that even the 'mud' in our lives, is necessary for growth and renewal.

    Thanks for sharing.

