Monday, November 17, 2014

The Family of God expanded.

Two families work,  Chris and Maggie Hostetter along with Nate and Elizabeth Claasen work in the remote village of the Pal people in Papua New Guinea.  The family of God has been expanded because of the sacrifice of these two couples along with countless others who give so these people can be reached with the gospel.  I hope their story excites you because it sure does our Lord.  The angels of heaven are rejoicing over these new ones added to the family.  

The last lesson has been taught. On Wednesday we shared with them that Jesus went back to heaven after God raised him from the dead, and that he is going to come back again someday. It was the last in a long line of Gospel lessons we’ve been teaching every day since August, and God has accomplished great things through his word.

Several village leaders have given clear testimonies of salvation through faith, and many others have shared with us that they now understand what Jesus did for them and are putting their faith in him alone to save them. Men and women alike have told us and others about their new faith and freedom from sin with tears in their eyes and joy in their hearts.

Immediately after the last lesson a man and his wife each stood up separately before the group to profess faith in the Gospel, and they were both so overcome that they couldn’t find words to say (which is a very unusual thing in this culture!). Since then we have walked through villages and seen people packed into houses listening to a new believer share his faith and encouraging them to believe it, too.

We have seen people’s hunger for God’s word skyrocket. (As I write this Chris is in the office going through my translation of the book of Acts with some translation helpers who are devouring every word and enthusiastically discussing it among themselves.) We have seen and heard believers stand up in a crowd and preach against clinging to the old beliefs about sacrifice and spirit-worship. We have seen people flock to a neighbor’s house to ask questions and ask us to tell them more about what God says.

Praise God with us for the harvest he has allowed us to reap, and thank you for standing with us in prayer and financial support as we live here as God’s field-laborers. We know that the church has only just been born and that there is much to be done to bring it up to maturity, so please continue to stand with us as you have done.

And please continue to pray for those who have not understood or have chosen not to believe. We know that there are some who still yearn for the material blessings promised to them by those who profess to know the truth. There are some who have gone along with the crowd in saying they believe, but have privately held on to their ancient practices for warding off sickness and transferring power from generation to generation. Pray for us as we partner with the new believers who are their sons and daughters and parents and friends to reach out to them. We believe that God’s spirit is not done with them yet and we look forward to a second harvest, and a third, and a fourth.

Many of you have been praying for a specific Pal person or family and we want you to know that we will let you know as soon as we are able whether or not they have made a clear profession of faith in Christ so that you can know how to continue to pray for them. It may take us a while to be able to talk to each of them because of sheer numbers and because many of them have had to hurry off to the garden to make up for the time spent listening to the teaching! Please continue to pray for them as you wait to hear.

So what now? Everyone will gather again next Wednesday to hear the first lesson of “Phase 2″ in which we tell them that God has lots more to say to his followers and that we want to continue to meet with and teach those who have believed. We will also let them know that we will continue to teach Phase 1 review lessons so that if there are people who need or want to hear it again they will have another opportunity to hear and understand.

We are planning on meeting once a week for formal teaching time, first doing a quick review of the things they have heard so far and then teaching through the book of Acts. Please pray for us as we try to make it clear that there is a distinction between Christians and non-Christians; we don’t want to be giving non-believers false hope that they are entitled to the promises that God only makes to those who trust him for salvation.

We are so excited to be suddenly surrounded by men and women who have received the same spirit of God that we are all given and who will now be able to step in and help us with the work using the spiritual gifts that God has given them. It is an amazing thing to witness someone being born again. I encourage all of you to do anything you can to be able to witness it in others as you wait for Christ’s return.

It was this kind of story that challenged our hearts to leave behind the comforts of home so others could hear.  Knowing how hard this kind of ministry is gives us common ground when we meet with couples coming home for a furlough after a few years serving in villages just like this one.  For those of you who get the chance to meet a missionary, listen to their story, they need to tell it and quite frankly we need to hear it.    Christmas is coming, the best gift we can give is telling someone about Jesus and the free gift of salvation. 


  1. Amen and praise God!
    The harvest truly is plentiful. So thankful for the workers willing to obey and go where God tells them.
    Honored to be able to pray for those workers and the new Christians.

    Thanks so much for sharing. What a great post to meditate on and praise God for!

  2. There is nothing more thrilling than hearing about others coming to saving faith in Jesus! What a tremendous work these people are doing. And what a harvest God is reaping with His Truth! I once met a missionary who had with him two pastors from Papua New Guinea. I will never forget the smile on those two sweet faces. There was a language barrier between us, but no barrier in our souls. The love of Jesus literally beamed from their faces!

    May the Lord continue to reach the unsaved, and may He use us to spread His Good News.


  3. TC, so right my sister, the harvest is plentiful. This was the last village we got to visit before we left Papua New Guinea. We had went in when there was only one missionary family and helped them fix solar panels, my husband dug a long ditch off the water tank. The missionary husband ask me to just sis with his wife and encouraged her. It was a helicopter location into a beautiful part of PNG, rugged steep mountains, tiny villages on top of those steep mountains. My heart is full. Thanks TC for your prayers.

  4. Sharon, you are so right, ,language of the heart is always the best. I murdered the national language but those I worked around loved on me anyway. I thought when I read this, all over the world people are coming to the Lord and someday we'll ALL worship together at the feet of Jesus. We will get to meet after all. Blessings.

  5. That's awesome… Being the ones that are used to welcome the new ones into the family of God is quite an honor. I'm reminded of how the first will be last and the last will be first. May God continue to bless them and the ones He's calling daily.

  6. Those who have never heard were eagerly receiving and wanting more. Yes there is more and those with willing hearts will receive enough to then become witnesses of God's grace. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us a Tell me a Story.

  7. So right Floyd, I think we will be surprised at the ones who will be first and last. Out of all the ministries we have been involved with this one is special for us. We helped those couples in their orientation to the country, helped them get their stuff out to the tribe, visited the. And one couple is from northern California so we are their Member Care reps. We are blessed to have a little part of this work of God.

  8. Hazel, it's my pleasure to post a post such as this, my pleasure. God is working all over the world to reconcile people to Himself, it's a privilege to even pray for others in the front lines. Blessings my wise hearted sister.

  9. Wow! Thank you for sharing this with us. What you are doing for His kingdom is incredible. I think it must be incredibly encouraging to see those you are ministering and witnessing to have such an incredible hunger for His word. Keep up the excellent work and may your lights so shine as to glorify our Father in heaven.

  10. Heather, thanks for visiting my site. It is encouraging to even be a little part of this kind of ministry.

  11. My heart is full, Betty! Praise God for all He is doing. It's so easy to forget Who the Victor is in this tragic battle for souls. Your story is a beautiful reminder. We support a young missionary with Pioneer Bible who lives in a tiny village in NA. Her and her team fight the battle daily. God bless you all.

  12. June, we know several Pioneer missionaries serving in different countries. For sure these folks battle some things we don't here in the states. The adventure our it wears off as they live daily in harsh conditions. But thank God a few step out and risk all to give the gospel to people groups tucked in remote places. We all gather around the throne someday with these dear new believers. Great family to belong to.

  13. Yeah, what a wonderful count of abundant harvest! I so appreciate you sharing this over at #EverydayJesus. So awesome to "meet" you Betty. Keep on doing and sharing His work :-)

  14. Sharita, love your name, where did it come from?

    Thanks for the visit.

  15. I love hearing the testimony of people coming to know the Lord. Thank you for sharing at The Weekend Brew!

  16. Barbie, thanks for having a site I can share about the goodness of the Lord.

  17. Hi Betty,

    So neat to hear stories of God at work in PNG. Is this the storying approach?

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Betty.

    Jennifer Dougan

  18. Our mission calls it the chronology approach. First establishing the bible as God's talk. In God talk it tells who He is, who man is, what sin is and the need for a redeemer. The missionaries tell old testament stories leading up to the New Testament to Jesus as the son of God. Then on to the death, buried and resurrection, very affective. The Bible tears down their world view of worshipping their dead ancestors and animals. It's an amazing work of God to watch. People are gospel hard in most developed countries. As one pastor wife told us, it's hard to get people lost in the states. These people quickly know they are a sinner by the truth of the Word. Thanks Jennifer for stopping by. By the way I love "The Story" way of telling the sweet old story of Jesus and His love. Happy Thanksgiving my sister.

  19. Man, that's awesome to hear about new brothers and sisters joining the family!
