Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Lost It All to Find Everything [Live]

Chapter one of Mary Demuth book, Everything,  had this great quote in it, "We are small, He is big.  And yet He sees.  That should spur us toward crazy growth, rugged trust, and reverential awe. ("what a way to start  a book on Him being everything". )  Psalm 8:3-

Chapter two, my favorite quote:  The gospel of Jesus Christ, should be both simple and profound.  Simple  in its beauty, but profound in the life change it should bring.  Roman 1:16

Chapter three caused me to park in this quote:  Although it's not wrong to live self-controlled lives in terms of celebrating discipline and working hard, we will not be able to sustain our Christian lives if lived them entirely in our own strength. John 15:4-5

Chapter four had this stunning question: Why do people change?  Because they want to.  Because they're inspired by the Holy Spirit to do so. Not because they are coerced, guilted or forced. ( This one was important for me because I am trusting God for a family member that I have tried to help without any result, EXCEPT, frustration on my part). Gal. 1:10

 Chapter five title is, Set Aside Worry:  The one great crime on the part of the disciple, according to Jesus Christ, is worry.  Whenever we begin to calculate without God, we commit sin.  What would our lives look like if we refuse to worry?  (convicting question, don't you think?) Phil. 4:6

 Chapter six brings resilience to the fore front:  Resilience is an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortunes or change. ( notice that word I put in red...it takes practice and practice and more practice  to do anything with ease.   Let me add a quote:  The truth is, God puts us through more than we can bear. He does.  Why?  Because,  after we journey through those hard places, we learn resilience and resilience brings the ability to joyfully live in the moment despite our circumstances, a holy paradox, Mary Demuth writes. Jeremiah 29:11

This is not an official book review, just my review for my sake.  But if you want a book that goes deep...this will do that, down where no one but God can see. And I have only touched the surface of what lies within the pages of the first section.


A review from Michael Hyatt, former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers on Mary's book, says this:  "Lets be honest.  Most of us who follow Christ are holding back.  We want Christ but are convinced we'll miss something if we surrender everything."

I know the proper way to end a post is to ask a question,  but I think I will let this one stand alone without a question and see what come forth. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Spirits Never Loved Us

Would you do battle today?  I am not asking you to take up a  gun or  knife but I am asking you to take up the  weapon of prayer.  On the other side of the world there is a battle raging and they need some help and I am asking you to join this battle in prayer.  Thank you

In response to a  measles outbreak in August 2014, Hewa village leaders called for a “court” meeting to decide which women were causing the deaths. As a result, it was decided that four Hewa women were responsible. Now men are planning to kill these four women, their children and their grandchildren.
The Hewa have an ancestral practice of killing women and children who they suspect are possessed with evil spirits. During this recent “court” a “head witch” was asked to join the village leaders to decide which women were causing the deaths. The village leaders have heard God’s Word in the past, but have chosen to reject it and continue their ancestral practices.
A meeting has been arranged this weekend for Jonathan Kopf to talk with several key people in the village where the women were condemned. Because the community leaders in this village have already decided to reject God’s Word, the missionaries do not have any natural foundation on which to make their plea for the lives of these women and children.

This is Susana who’s husband was killed shortly after the photo was taken.

This is Susana who's husband was killed shortly after the photo was taken.Jonathan writes, “There is no hope this practice of the ancestors will stop.  That is, unless the Lord does incredible miracles in the hearts of the men …” He continues, “That’s why I am asking you to drop to your knees and join me in prayer all through the weekend. If there was ever a time for prayer and fasting in order to ask the Lord to overthrow the power of [Satan] in Hewa, it is now.”

The names of the four women are Susana, Kontas, Mifila and Helen. Will you please pray for the lives of these four women, their grandchildren and for wisdom Jonathan and his team as they meet with the Hewa village leaders?
Please share this prayer request and encourage your church and friends to be praying as well!
(This blog post is based on a prayer alert from Jonathan Koft )

I just got this update a few minutes ago, about 24 hours later, for all of you who prayed, thank you, thank you.

According to Lutheran missionary Anton Lutz, the message from the missionary and government delegation was well received. In the end, the local commander declared all suspects free and banned the sorcery courts.
ABC news in Australia is reporting that at the meeting not only were the women released, but a ceremony was held where the “head witch” turned over a stone declaring she would not be involved in this kind of activity again.
Praise God for a favorable outcome for Susana, Kontas, Mifila and Helen; their children and their grandchildren!
Please continue to pray for the Hewa people who have not yet and heard or believed God’s Word. Please pray for other villages and people groups in Papua New Guinea who have similar practices.
The youth coordinator for the Western Highlands provincial government of Papua New Guinea, Ruth Kissam, said earlier this month that violence against women accused of witchcraft is a national emergency and it is  creating a refugee crisis in some parts of the country.

Monday, January 12, 2015

More pure wisdom...

"You get what you get and don't throw a fit. "

Ava Jo and Violet
I heard my five year old Grand daughter, Ava Jo repeat this quote over and over during our two week visit.  Seems her teacher uses this to teach her students not to whine and complain when they don't get what they want.  Ava loves chocolate milk so I am sure when they run out  and she has to drink white milk she may complain a little.  
We've been taught to believe that contentment is linked to our accomplishments or constantly getting more. Our basic value is that "more is better." We think, "I’ll be happy when I get, or when I have,  and you name the have's and the gets. 
 Since there’s no end to our desire to acquire or do more, we’ll never experience contentment.

The Stoics believed that contentment meant the opposite – the way to have peace and contentment is to have less and less. They would emotionally detach from the things and people they loved, convincing themselves that nothing mattered.

But the truth is getting more and more can never bring contentment, and desiring less and less can’t either. Prosperity doesn't have the power to give us contentment, nor poverty the power to take it away.

The true meaning of contentment is being satisfied with what you have and with who you are - right now. 

In his letter to the church in Philippi, the Apostle Paul shares the secret to being content: "I have learned to be content no matter what happens to me.I know what it’s like not to have what I need. I also know what it’s like to have more than I need. I have learned the secret of being content no matter what happens. I am content whether I am well fed or hungry. I am content whether I have more than enough or not enough. I can do everything by the power of Christ. He gives me strength." (Philippians 4:11-13)

Or you could use the paraphrase from a wise five year old,  you get what you get and don't throw a fit.