Monday, October 5, 2015

Forgiven Unforgettable

   A few week ago I downloaded some free books for my Kindle to read as we traveled.   One by one I begin to read as we crossed off the miles on our trip. The first three were light novels, easy reads, until I opened chapter one of Nikki Lee Brannon book, Forgiveness Unforgettable.   With each chapter I kept saying to my husband as I read, "your not gonna  believe this", "this is uncanny, too real.    

(Forgiveness-Unforgettable )
You see, Nikki's  story  is also mine.   There are a few things that are different but the core of her story is so close to mine that I was left in tears with each page I read. My tears were full of gratefulness for not only surviving a painful childhood, but for God's love that has healed those wounds that left scars fit for the Master use.  

Nikki story reminded me how well I hid what went on in our home most nights.  Even my closest friend did not know because I never talked about it even with my best friend. Never invited her to stay all night with me for fear she would know.  Looking back I am amazed how I went on about my daily life as if nothing was going on.   Shame is a powerful emotion which toughens the heart by building a wall around it that keeps everyone out and pain in. 

There are times I  wish I could share  good memories of my father but, honestly they are not there.  What I have learned to do though, is not hide the bad ones. In doing so God, (my heavenly Father), has built great memories of how my past pain can help others to no longer live as a victim but as a victor.  Just reading Nikki's story, seeing in print how God brought her from being a victim to having the strength to write such a healing book made me feel victorious with every word. 

What I can write about is God love for me that pierced me deep enough to cause a yearning to be like Him.  When you want to be like Him you give Him permission to heal your wounds, through the power of His forgiveness. 

 Long before He became my Savior He gave  me the gift of choice.   When  I was a child I did not understand the power that gift contained.  The power of choice let me  affect  my destiny. Choosing God's way to forgive is often the hardest way, but God will reward you for your wise choices. Charles Stanley  frequently says, Obey God, leave the consequences to Him."

Image result for choice and forgiveness
My choice, along with Nikki and many others is  to live as a victor rather then a victim which has resulted in a life of freedom just as John 8:32 says, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. So the power of choice is not a myth but the most solid truth you can find. When we choose God and let his ways dictate all of our choices, we receive the freedom that no other choice can equal. 

Forgiveness is a choice and a process, it's not magic. 
“Forgiving someone doesn’t mean condoning their behavior. It doesn’t mean forgetting how they hurt you or giving that person room to hurt you again. Forgiving someone means making peace with what happened. It means acknowledging your wound, giving yourself permission to feel the pain, and recognizing why that pain no longer serves you. It means letting go of the hurt and resentment so that you can heal and move on. ~Daniell KoepkeLife 

 Nikki and I have struck up a relationship through Facebook and recently she referred to her book as "our book".   I have pondered those words for I know many will see themselves in her book.  It is "our story", those of us who chose to forgive.   The enemy of our soul meant it to destroy, but he is no match for the God of the universe who can heal any willing heart.  

Need a touch from God, Nikki's book will give you that. 

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