Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 Add title: Porta Potty

This past May we traveled from southern California to Minnesota. Our route took us through a small portion of S. Dakota and all the across N. Dakota.

There were veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long stretches of nothing but prairie, sage brush, and antelope all over the place, but few towns. On one stretch my husband needed a bathroom quickly. I think the next town was 60 some miles away so he started looking for a bush. There are few bushes also in North Dakota, sage brush is too short and it's always blowing around too. Flat everywhere you look and then out of nowhere we spot this tiny blue building tucked in a dip of the landscape. There was no construction around to warrant a porta potty , but there it sit as you can tell by the picture, standing out like a sore thumb. To us it was a rescue building.

It never crossed our minds to pray for a porta potty. To be honest, I don't think we prayed for even a bush. We had driven this route before and remember how bare it is so we just accepted our plight. My dear husband was just going to have to endure being uncomfortable.

BUT GOD...ok, here we go with this analogy of the Porta Potty. BUT GOD who loves us so much, cares about the functions of the body. He created, and designed to have needs, like hunger, thirst, warmth, and relief, which was the need of the moment.

We were driving a new car for us, bought by a generous donor who wanted us to have a nice car to drive in our ministry. Ours had gave up and was going to cost more then it was worth to fix, it had over 200 thousand miles on it. Most of those miles were put on by us traveling around the southwest visiting missionaries home on furlough. We don't know who the donor was, but we settled on a SUV that could pull a light weight RV if needed. So we are have experienced great gift from the Lord through His people. He has never failed to provide our needs.

We had no idea who put that porta potty there or we would write a thank you to them with a note saying it was an oasis in the middle of nowhere. I'd bet my last dollar others have used it. In fact, I hope it is still there for others.

We are use to praying for big things, the political needs of our country, those fighting overseas, people with cancer, heart issues, money needs are always on our prayer list but, again, just being honest, a porta potty, never.

Maybe you have something little you would like to see an answer to. Right now I am praying I find one of my hearing aides that I have lost. It's a little thing but a costly little thing. I am thinking it might have got left in the porta potty. Just joking. What has He done for you recently that was as personal as a porta potty?


  1. Great story! I love this. Porta potties are definitely a God-thing when you need it! I have had some personal physical "issues" that have made any kind of potty such a blessing that I give thanks to the Lord for wherever or whatever it is. When we found this house last year we were amazed that the master bedroom literally has two bathrooms (two toilets) in it! One bathroom has a tub/sink/pot. The other has shower/sink/pot. I had to have some surgery this past year due to some issues in that department, and I have thanked the Lord many times for my very own potty in our master bedroom. He knew I was going to need it, and it was a very thoughtful "gift". So yes, God apparently cares about those personal kind of needs!

    1. "thoughtful gift" love how you described God's blessings, thoughtful gift. I certainly understand those kind of gifts. I have to take a water pill most the time due to my heart and there better be a bathroom around for the first couple hours after I take it. Today we are going to be on the road so I am not taking one. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Betty, I love how you took something as mundane as a Porta Potty and saw God's hand working at your time of need. He so often does things "out of the blue," when we least expect it, and when we don't even know how to pray for it. Thanks for sharing this story of blessing with us!

    1. He does and you are one of those, out of the blue blessings. Your books you so generously gave are still making their way around the world.

  3. From past experiences, I had learned that He is ever watchful and when we ask in dire circumstances, His presence in answered prayers are very evident. The way I see that porta potty for you guys in the middle of your journey. God of possible for the people's impossible needs. Too numerous if I write about the many things He had done for me and my family. But each day, we have learned to pray even before venturing out the door and ask even for as simple as a parking spot. He always delivers :) God bless and protect you.

    1. I am ever so aware of His grace all through our life, daily. Like you we have experienced too many to write about but once in a while He lays one on my heart and that porta potty was surely the one. Blessings

  4. Not strange at all that I should find your post this morning when, in my devotions, God revealed his attribute to me, "Sustainer." He is my helper, the one who keeps me alive, Ps 54:4. I am praying you find that lost hearing aid. I know the aggravation as Tom lost his wallet last week. Also, I am getting a hearing test today; so happy to pray for you. I understand!

    1. Oh, I love that word, Sustainer, He is that and so much more. Ace is always losing his wallet it's a standing joke with our kids, I lost hearing aides, Dad loses money. This will be the second pair I have lost but the first pair our sons dog ate them. Thats a post for another time. I got my ears at costco, cheapest place for them and they work great when I can find them. I get use to having them in and I wear them to bed and this time I took them out and tucked them into a pair of sock on the nightstand. Found one a few days later but still have not found the other one. Costco is ordering me the one I lost, it is free because of the warrenty. Praise God. Not a lot of extra money right now with buying furniture, a kitchen set up, stove, fridge, washer and drying. I am hoping this is the last time I have to set up a house.

  5. This was such an encouragement to me. I have had many such things happen throughout my years serving Jesus, and I always recognized that it was HIM that set those circumstances into motion even long before I needed them. Sometimes people have done things they didn't even seem to understand why they were doing, just so a need of mine and my family's could be met. Working for Him and living for Him and serving Him is an honor. He never, never fails His trusting children and is most observant of every one of our needs.

    1. Cheryl, I love when you share about these kind of things God has done and still doing in your life. I love when I do see Him and my heart wants to share it with everybody...I want to say, hey listen, just listen to what God did for me...it excite me and builds my faith in Him up. Lets keep sharing sister.

  6. What a beautiful gift that porta potty was! We drove through South Dakota last fall so I know what you're talking about, those long stretches of nothingness. :)

    I know the Lord drops gifts into my life like that all the time; I'm just not always aware of them....

  7. I think all of us fail at times to see His gifts. I fail to ask to see them more at times too. It's easy to get caught up in the busy life most of us lead. Thanks for commenting Lisa.

  8. This almost sounded like a Bolivia story!!!’ I have a few of those type! Oh the stories we could tell of God’s faithfulness in things over our years in Bolivia! He never changes does He? Thankfully! And He was faithful to me in those days to provide a wise hearted friend who always challenged me and encouraged me! We are far apart now but your words still encourage! Thanks sis!

    1. We sure did see Him provide over and over when we lived in Bolivia. You were my rock friend when we served together. I knew I could come to you and share anything and you were always gracious, kind and had the wisdom to help me adjust so many times. I am so happy for you Karen, despite all the painful things you have had to live through, the worst losing Dan, your you remained true to your faith in God and His ways. What I wouldn't give to sit down face to face again and soak you up again. Blessings Karen.

  9. My translation does not work for your comment, sorry.
