Monday, May 18, 2015

Used Up


I use to say if I lived to be a hundred I might smoke again since there was a time I enjoyed a smoke after a meal.   Foolishness is not only bound up in the heart of a child but a few of us adults also. God has so changed my desires, took some away totally, like cigarettes but mostly replaced them with His desire to be a Holy vessel for  His use.  

A short study of the life of Joshua brings encouragement today:

 As a young man, Joshua was sent to spy out the promised land. Only he and Caleb believed the Israelite could conquer the enemies living there. So the people wandered 40 years until the exodus generation perished—save the two spies. Then, succeeding Moses, Joshua led Israel into the promised land. Though he was about 80, Joshua captained Israel to victory over six nations and 31 kings.

Fast-forward 20 years. Joshua 13:1 somewhat understates, “Joshua had grown old.” It is estimated he was around 100 years old. Joshua might have expected God to send him on vacation: go float atop the Dead Sea or fish in the Lake of Galilee. But God didn't offer Joshua a retirement plan. Instead he said, “There are still very large areas of land to be taken over.” Joshua’s next task was to divide the land.  

Sometimes I wonder just how much time I have left on this earth. I've looked for an expiration date but I can’t find it. One thing I do know is that I want to leave this earth having “used up” every gift, every resource…everything that He’s entrusted to my account. And that thought makes me want to love more, give more, laugh more…living every day and making it count!! I’d rather leave this earth “on fire” with nothing in my hands than just “fizzle” out holding onto what God meant for me to give away! How about you?   "Safe Haven Bible Study"

Ace and I  were just ask last week when we were going to retire.  Like Joshua, God has not offered us a retirement plan.   In this dispensation people do not live to be as old as they did back in Joshua day so we may not see 100.  But no matter my age I too want to be used up for the Lord, making every day count.  I want God to give me large areas of land to be taken over. 

          You got any plans for your "old age"?

Friday, May 15, 2015

Simple Testimony

                                  How To Share Your Testimony.
  1. Memorize your testimony and practice it until it becomes natural.
  2. Share your testimony with loving enthusiasm in the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 2:3-5).
  3. Smile often! Ask the Lord to give you a happy, radiant countenance. Use a natural speaking voice.
  4. Avoid exhibiting nervous habits (especially with your hands) and other mannerisms, such as rubbing your nose, jingling coins in your pocket, swaying, clearing your throat, and using uh's and ah's. Exhibit good posture. 
  5. Avoid arguing and using other high pressure methods to obtain a decision for Christ. Remember, men are born of the Spirit, not through persuasiveness or logic of men, though God can use both. 

                                How did she do?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Early Bird Worm or Night Crawler

  • The Night crawler  worm eats soil, a red wiggler eats decaying matter. like manure, vegetable matter, rotten fruit, etc. Red wiggler worms will actually eat your kitchen waste.
  • Night crawlers  go deeper in the soil but must come up to the surface when there is lots of water making them easy to find.  

  • The Night crawler  also remain alive for approximately five minutes while under water. This means their movements can attract fish.
    My husband   

  • Environmental Impact 

    • While some areas consider night crawlers to be an agricultural pest, they provide a valuable service to gardeners, farmers and the earth. Their tunnels introduce air to the ground and allow the soil to breathe. Aerating gets oxygen to roots to aid growth, helps fertilizer and water reach roots and loosens up compacted soil which helps roots grow. Plus, their waste transports important nutrients and minerals from the underground to the surface.
    • Bet you can tell where I am going with this?
    • For years I have berated myself for not being an early riser, by early I mean somewhere between 4 and 5 in the morning.  In fact the only time I rise this early is when we are traveling and we have to catch a flight.  Sometimes I am just getting to sleep at that time.  I mean, isn't those who rise early to meet with the Lord going to get the best He has?  The early bird gets the best worms, doesn't he?
Thank God He is not a respected of time or person or worms.   I am just as highly favored when I crawl upon His lap at midnight as one who get there in the wee hours of the morning.  

Coming early to Him does not always mean time according to the clock.  He wants us to come early, at the beginning of our struggles.   

I do my best praying when I am suffering insomnia which is more chronic with me then just an occasional spurt of it.   Could I be so bold to say, it's my thorn in the flesh?   Except I don't want to waste this thorn and God does not either so He always meets with me at any time,  He is always awake and fresh and passionate about me.  He doesn't care what kind of worm I am, He created both and uses each one to catch fish.  

This night crawler is looking forward to a new body that will not suffer with insomnia.  While here I will offer my body up to be a fisher of men and women.  

Which worm are you,  the early bird worm or a night crawler?