I have never posted two video's at once but they both tell a story which is important and can teach us something about mission work. You will get a laugh out of the first one but the laughter will die off as you watch the next one. Asking you to watch two video's is asking a lot but you will not be sorry, I promise. So, go ahead, jump right in there and enjoy the funny skit about , some millennial missionaries.
I hope you got a laugh out of that one because this next one will sober you up.
We were in training with a couple that was ask to stay another semester because the husband's whole reason for going was fueled by his sense of adventure, not by II Cor. 5:14-15 For the love of Christ controls us, concluding this, that one died for all, therefore all died. And He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. ( It's that part, "no longer live for themselves" that was driven straight to the deep part of our soul that put the fuel in us to go be a part of reaching the least reached. ) No matter whether you live in the jungle, a small town, a big city, are full time in the ministry or work a secular job God wants us to "no longer live for ourselves".
I do hope you used the freedom in Christ you have to laugh a little at the first video. I did because I need both, the laughter and the serious. Eccl. 3:4 says there is a time for both.
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