Sunday, November 17, 2019

Boogers and shoe strings...

Perspective is everything, no matter what life hands you.  Children are the best at keeping things into a proper perspective.  They not only see the issue but get excited over little things that we fret about. 

Example: Our son ask his son, age five,
how was his day at school?  The grandson gave the wisest perspective of his day.  Dad, he said, it was a good day.  My shoes stayed tied and I didn't have any boogers.  

After hearing that I have decided I may use that  perspective next time I am ask how my day was.  

Lets see, it would go like this.  It was a good day, I over slept, left the house a mess because I was going to lunch  with a friend.  Had my favorite salad, also a McDonald's hot fudge sundae.  Shopped  literally till I had to drop for while in a seat in the store till my energy came back, but I did not pee my pants.  As hard as I tried not to,  I did do some gossiping and listened to some.  Went around the store singing, Silver Bells, very loud on purpose and had a few sing along with me.  when the little kids stared at me, I ask them to sing jingle bells with me, they did.  No one threw me out of the store or told me to shut up.  Especially those standing in the long line waiting to get checked out, they just smiles and sang along. 

I am telling you folks we are taking life a little to serious, honestly, it's such a short life.  While I was in the dressing room I thought my friend came in so I am yelling, Geri, Geri, you have got to see this on me, it was a bright, mustard colored t shirt. It was only 4.20 cents.  I heard this lady say, I am not your friend but I'll take a look.  My friend came in about that time and we had a great time of laughing over some comments I cannot post.  I ask the lady, do you know the song, Silver Bells, she said no.  Oh great, I got to teach it to her.  She said she was going to shop with us, we were fun.  

Got my clothes home, realized I had to take something back.  Next day, without my friend, I hit that store again and as I am looking for another shirt, this beautiful women ask me if I thought the color of the shirt she was holding looked good on her.  I told her the truth, it looked great, so she followed me from sale rack to sale rack.  I was honest, some things she picked out did not look good. Now I was looking for real bargains, nothing over five dollars,  but it was clear   she had a little more money then I did because the higher prices did not bother her.  I finally had to leave but she could sing silver bells with me before I did.  

And here is the best part, my shoes stayed tied and I did not have an boogers. 

What keeps us from enjoying life?  Is it because we are so mature to bring ourselves to a child's level?  Seems we have no problems when we are mad acting like a child, refusing to do what needs to be done.  If we all had a child's perspective how much better our day would be.  My youngest grandson loves to wash windows but he wants me to do it with him. What a great time I would miss if I refused to not help him.  

Maybe its because I am getting closer to my final move, but I am noticing more and more how much we grown up act so grown up but laugh less and smile less.  Oh, we always laugh at the little kids, but I think we need to get the little kids to laugh with us.  Or even better, get the grown up to laugh with a grown up.  

It's really hard to sing Thanksgiving songs as Christmas items are out in every department of the stores.  Thought I would give you a little taste of what all the "stuff" brings out of me.  I even talked our son, Jared into playing  and singing  a little with me.   I love that God does not waste even our mistakes to bring a little laughter's into our life.  Happy Very Early Merry Christmas.  



  1. All I'm going to say is Jo rolls here eyes at me a lot. So do Tami and Janna. Just saying... I agree. We take life much too seriously.

    1. Ace is the ones rolling their at me😃. Oh well it’s all kinds. Am thankful that Ace can tone me down at times. I know there are times one needs to be serious but I have more fun.

  2. Kids can give us exactly the perspective we need in life, Betty - we need to laugh more, love more, sing more! Speaking of singing, I loved the duet with your son. So enjoyable!
    May your shoes stay tied, may the boogers be at bay, and may God bless!

  3. Aw, Betty! Seeing you and your son sing together brought me to tears! It is obvious how much you love one another and how close your bond is. You have a beautiful voice and Jared's tenor/harmony was SO good! The first part of your post made me laugh, thinking about the boogers and tied shoes. Then the last part made me cry because it touched my heart! God bless you, Jared, and your whole family this Christmas!

    1. Also a treat for me when jared will sing with me. We had his four year old helping us the first take but he wouldn’t try again. Love your encouraging hearts Cheryl

  4. Not sure why my comments will not let me post a reply but I will reply, you just may have to do a little search for it.

    thanks Martha for the funny reply and I am so glad like Jared and I singing together. Years ago we did it all the time. Nothing like family harmony to bring cold chills plus make this mamma proud. I sing, our daughter sings but really Jared got a bunch of musical talent, sings all parts, plays by ear and is a great entertainer.

  5. Ok, I must admit... Had I encountered you in a store... I may be inclined to join your chorus. Happy Thanksgiving :)

    1. Good for you, now next time you are shopping go around singing Silver Bells and see who joins'll be surprised..

  6. Love the post and lesson. It's good to be wise enough to still be able to learn from our children and grandchildren. A good day; shoes stay tied and no boogers. I'm gonna use that one!

    And the song was awesome!!! So cool to hear you and your son sing!

    And him hitting that bar chord so easy is impressive! Maybe Santa will bring me the coordination to do that this Christmas?!

  7. Ok, one problem fixed, I can see you comment but somewhere along the way I lost the reply to comments on mine...this is getting frustrating. But I am so glad I can read your comments because you always encouraged me.

    I'll tell Jared you were impressed. We practiced once and decided to do the chorus twice all the way through, then I forgot and ended it with one line which is why he had that weird look on his face at the last. He says I am the reason he can play by ear caused I was always changing keys on him.

    This was my favorite post to write, I love the simple way kids think, we grown up complicate so much with too many words that usually confused the listeners. Blessings my brother.

  8. Any day without boogers is a good day! LOL! :-D I enjoyed the video of you and your son singing. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Life hits us so hard at one point that we really do lose sight of all the laughter and the joys. Even when we don't lose sight, we tone it down to being kinda dry. I love to make people laugh, but sadly I spend most of the time alone. It's kinda like the Robin Williams Syndrome without the suicidal aspect of it (see what I did there???)

    And that's why the church needs Encouragers.. not only inside the four walls of the church, but outside as well. We always believer that as Missionaries/Evangelists our sole purpose is to preach the Gospel, but it goes further than that.. We are the lightbearers to a dark world, so we do need to bring joy to the hearts of the people.

  10. thanks Melanie for stopping by my site. Happy Thanksgiving to you also.

  11. Ed, you said it well, we are to be light bearers. One must at all cost keep their perspective all about Jesus, anything, or anyone else changes our perspective to darkness. You are a wise man.
