Preikestolen is a mountain formed like a huge pulpit towering over the Lysefjord in Rogaland, Fjord Norway. There is a crack between the plateau of Pulpit Rock and the mountain, and it is said that on the day seven sisters marry seven brothers from the Lysefjord area, the plateau will tear itself away from the mountain and fall into the ford, creating a huge wave that will destroy all life in the surrounding area.
The crack is real and it could literally break off from the mountain someday but, I would not put my faith in when seven sisters and seven brothers marry as to when. Not knowing when it could happen might make me not want to sit very long on it though. Maybe just walk out to the edge, ONCE, then quickly run back to the more solid part of the mountain. It does take a little bit of courage or foolishness to risk that it will not break off. I mean its been there forever, as long as anyone can remember and it has not fell off yet! But, what if you are on it when it breaks off?
This reminded me of the risk one takes concerning their eternity. Maybe you have not heard yet how you can be assured of where you will spend your life after death. Some believe nothing is out there after death, when you are dead, you are just that, dead. Another belief is when you die if you have done what your religion requires you will have wine, women and riches. Others believe doing good works here on earth assure you of a place in heaven. Then, there are some who believe when you die you get reincarnated into something else, or someone else. There is so many beliefs out there, one to fit any mind set you have. There may even be a belief that seven sisters and seven brothers have to marry before you die.
Everyone at some time in their life struggles with where they will go after death. Some chose a belief and some go even further and seek out some answers as to where they will spend eternity, if they even believe in eternity.
Gosh Betty, can you stop with the death's depressing. I know, I know, it can be, can't it?
So why write on this? Well I have been meeting lots of seekers lately. Those who are questioning what happens after death. Questing their beliefs because they have not found peace for the troubling questions in their hearts.
For me, I found answers to my questions in the Bible after years of searching other belief. Questions such as: Who God is, who man is, what sin is and where will I go when I die?
I want to throw out the question to you. If you were standing on that rock and it broke off and you fell into the water and death came...where would your soul go?
I believe the bible teaches we are all sinners in need of a Savior.
Romans 3:22 all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Roman 6:23 For the wage of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Roman 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Roman 10:9-10 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, for with your heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness and with the mouth he confesses resulting in salvation.
If you are seeking the way, Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the light. I would be more then willing to talk to you about this subject if you would like. I realize I am taking a risk since this message could offend but the message is worth taking that risk. .
I would hope that I would go to the most beautiful place anyone could imagine, the place I was taken to in my near death experience.
ReplyDeleteWow, have you written about your experience and if so, where can I read it. Thank you for commenting on my post.
Deleteyes I have written about my NDE, and it is right at the top of the side bar, where it gives a list of featured posts.
Wonderful message today...and there are so many taking that risk and thinking it could never happen to them. But why play "Russian Roulette" with your soul? Eternity is a VERY LONG never ends! I want to spend eternity with my Savior and Lord, in Heaven...and so I've accepted His free gift of salvation and therefore I need not fear any disaster that may come my way. By the way, that story reminds me of the "Old Man in the Mountain" up in New Hampshire. It was a rock formation on the side of the mountain that looked like the face of a man, and it was there "forever", until one day it just slid right off the side of the mountain. No one expected that either, but it happened!,collapsed%20on%20May%203%2C%202003.
ReplyDeleteThank you Pam for commenting on my post. You always seem to add something worth reading to it. Blessings.
DeleteKnowing I am destined to eternity because Jesus is my Savior gives me every comfort, Betty. I pray others who don't know the Lord will come to accept Him as their Savior, too.
I had a chance yesterday while shopping to witness to a women who worked in her own shop. She was not busy at all and her questions to me opened the door for me to share. If she wasn't saved I was able to leave her with truth of what the Bible says. She hugged me at the end of conversation which blessed me. Every chance I get out there I want to be open to the chance to share the hope that lives in my heart which was what I was able to do with her. You are a blessing to me my blog sister.
DeleteBetty, I hope many will read this and know that Jesus is the answer and He offers peace for our weary souls.
ReplyDeleteI hope that too Regina. I know God put it on my heart to share so directly and without confusion. It's a choice for everyone and I want to be part of giving those who are seeking a change to put their hope on nothing less then Jesus Christ.
DeleteOh ... I'm not thinking I'll be checking out the edge of that precipice, Betty, any time soon.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for sharing, step by step, for peace with God. Our greatest gift ...
You made me laugh Linda for I don't think this is a place I want to visit. I would enjoy looking at that huge stone mountain from the ground and a safe place from the top.
DeleteI am afraid of heights, my knees threaten to turn to jello just looking at the picture! I am so glad that I can face my death knowing that I am a child of God. I have accepted Jesus as my Lord an Savior and that’s really all I need to know...but from reading the Bible I know there is a process of future events or as we know them, The Last Days, that I find fascinating to study. The Bible certainly is not dull reading! ❤️
ReplyDeleteNot crazy about heights myself, I don't do roller coaster for the same reason. Actually I am not much of a dare devil which is crazy because of the life we have lived. I remember learning to snorkle when we lived in the country of Papua New Guinea. I was scared to death but I so wanted to see God's creation under the sea and got brave enough to try it. I loved it but I wanted to alway be close to shore, the ocean is so big and powerful and I really had no desire to explore it to deep. Just a little off shore was fine with me. Same way with this place, I might walk out one time to view the scene but to camp for any length of time would not be me at all. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteI was just telling a friend that I cannot wait to get to Heaven. Truly. I'm ready. I've been ready ever since my 3 year old son began telling me about Heaven. (He died when he was 16 months old.). For almost 30 years, I've been ready!
ReplyDeleteVeronica Schticks published the story for me in a little book. Did I ever tell you she did that?
DeleteI hear you...I am ready too but then again we are in the time of our lives we should yearn for heaven. I did not know Veronica did that for you, how sweet of her. Is it on her sight or on yours or...where???
DeleteIt surprises me at times how ready I am when just a few years ago I wanted to be around for this event with our grandchildren. I think when aging brings on out the frailness of the body we begin to long for that eternal body that will never die. In recent years I can say, I am ready for heaven but not ready to leave this earth that holds all I dearly love in this earth. I am afraid for my grandchildren as the future seems to be ready for all hell breaking loose. If I could take all those I love with me we would all go right now to heaven if I had my way.