Sunday, June 13, 2021

A Self Ditch?


Some people loves themselves just a little too much.  {Then, there are the ones who talk non stop about themselves and never ask you how you are doing).    Scripture  warn us about self-love. Our focus should not be on ourselves. We must trade self-centered love for agape love. Loving yourself in the wrong way shows selfishness and arrogance which God hates. It leads to self-criticism and the sin of boasting. Take your eyes off of yourself and look at the interests of other people}.

Some struggle to  love themselves and are always putting themselves down.   { Here are four benefits of self-love: When you genuinely love yourself, you create a mindset of acceptance. You become willing to accept your life stages and situations, and take responsibility for your actions. You also recognize where the love, happiness, passion, and authenticity come from. Take your eyes off yourself and look to the one who cares for you the most}.

Loving ourselves too much or loving our selves not enough are both a product of being in a self ditch.   Either one of these two ditches is a  discouraging place to be and it usually shows in our life.   

Most of the time I fall into the not loving myself enough ditch.  It  makes me want to give up and  hard to live with.  I lose my patience and become frustrated over the littlest things.  I become self absorbed, easily offended, and stop caring about others.  

One of reasons I fall into either of these  ditches is my need for validation which we all need because God created us to need it.  He also told us where to go for it too.   

How long I stay in either ditch is totally up to me.  But when I come to the end of myself, I can climb out and head toward Calvary mountain.  As I journey on Calvary's road I know there are road signs to give me direction where to go for validation.  Below is just a few:

Jeremiah 29:11 He has given you unique gifts, talents, and strengths. – Romans 12:6 This is validation. God really does love you and is crazy about you. You really are the apple of His eye. Psalm 17:8

God’s love and acceptance is the key to value and significance. The journey of believing brings freedom and renewed energy. How does God validate you? He made you in his image and delights in you. – Genesis 1:27 ; Zephaniah 3:17 He stubbornly loves you even when you are unlovable. – John 3:16 God is for you not against you. – Romans 8:31

I have no doubt that I will fall into the ditch again, life will bring discouragement, someone will hurt my feeling again, and I will fail again at trying to like Jesus.   BUT.....................

He will never fail at being Himself. So He will love me yesterday, today and tomorrow even if I am in a ditch. He will remind me through the power of the Holy Spirit of His Word and that will give me strength to believe He is enough.  

So, how are you doing today, feeling validated, or stuck in a ditch?  Never fear, God would never leave His creation without a way out of the ditch. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the way.  Blessings. 



  1. HE SURELY IS!!! I thank God for all the inner healing I have had over the years. He has set me free of self-loathing and a self-critical, self-condemning mindset. Today I turn 68 and Abba validated me through a few friends over the last few days leading up to my birthday. Never in my life prior to this birthday have I felt so cared for by others, which has caused me to feel really good about myself. I celebrate my Abba today - for the Diane He created and all the healing He has done within me. He surely has validated me and I am eternally grateful to him. I pray there will be no more ditches for you, my wise-hearted, courageous friend. Have a wonderful day, Betty. HUGS.

    1. You understand this truth perfectly with all you have been through. God has restored you Diane and continues to do so everyday. I love that you have not quit blogging, I love that you are involved in a church. I love that you still care for others. Oh, I am sure you have had those days when you pulled the blanket of, why me Lord, over your head and kept low. But, by His grace you have risen up out of that darkness and, here is the best part, still giving Him all the glory. Your story, all of your story up to now is all about grace. Blessing my sweet friend.

  2. What a wonderful, thought provoking, encouraging post. Thank you. Have a great week, rejoicing in Jesus, our Great God, Creator, Savior. ~ Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks Lorraine for visiting my site. Wish I had you living near me to help me with my flowers. I just went out and picked some wild flowers that grace the northern Mn. landscape. I know they will not last too long in my vase, but I love seeing in my window. I will have to replace then with some not real ones when winter comes but thats ok too. I am glad they make nice fake plants and flowers. Blessings.

  3. Our human frailties do drag us down into ditches from time to time, Betty, but Jesus is always there to rescue us. May we reach up and take His hand when we are feeling lost.

    1. I had to reach recently because I was looking for validation concerning the book I am writing. I looked in the wrong place and got no encouragement. So for a few days I was pretty deep in a pity ditch. Thank God for His Word that runs through my head to remind me who He is and who I am in His Kingdom. I am out of the ditch but have not went back to writing more of my book. Sometimes I have to let it simmer before I get a notion on what to write. I know you understand this. Blessings.

  4. thank you Rajani for visiting my blog. I enjoyed your word of encouragement. God knows we need reminders of the positive in this life. Blessings.
