Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Crumpled Piece of Paper


This quote can be taken several different ways, according to who you have put  your trust in.  

Ask yourself, have you ever broken a person trust in you?  Not proud of this confession but I have crumbled my own paper by not being trust worthy.  My mouth which is connected to my heart has gossiped, told lies, and made excuses which if known would make people not trust me.  

  • For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Matthew 15:18 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man. Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander. Mark 7:21

The first ones that come to mind when I read these scriptures is, politicians.  They make tons of promise to do this or that to make life better for you. Sad to say, those who will or can keep those promises are few. They all have a few crumples. 

It's easy to see others as crumpled piece of paper but we never think we are as bad as those who break the trust we have put in them.  Yet the scriptures are for everyone, yes even me.  I am that piece of crumpled piece of paper. 

The first step to forgiveness for ourselves and to others  is seeing ourselves as a crumpled piece of paper.  Oh, we may not have committed murder or adultery except in our minds.  Isn't it just like God to lump all the sins together. , He does not divide them into bad sins and not so bad sins.   

The battle starts in the mind and it's a daily battle.  To have victory in this battle you must go to ground zero.  John MacArthur talks about this in his book, Dealing with Sins of the Mind.  He says, once we know where to focus your assault, you can defeat your enemy with an overwhelming, Bible powered barrage.  

We all start out as a crumpled piece of paper but just don't know it till a certain age.  No one teach a child how to lie when they are caught doing something Mommy told them not to.  Those sweet darling little people are only acting out of their own crumpled piece of paper.  They are not born perfect, only Christ was born perfect and still is. He was, is and never will be crumpled. 
 Romans 3:23-24 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 

Who can you fully trust in this world, only Jesus Christ, for only He is worthy first of all.  I did not die for your sin and neither did you die for my sins.  Only Jesus who was not born a crumpled piece of paper did.  

If this post brings questions to your mind, or confuses you, please write to me, either in the comment below or by email, bettydraper1947@gmail.com.  

One last thing, God loves you with a love that is beyond any human love.  It's unconditional and He proved it by sending His Son to die for your  crumpled piece of paper.  


  1. Trust is one of those things that once you blow it it is very hard to get back. I'm glad though that God's trustworthiness never wanes and He sticks by us when ours does.

    1. Me too Bill. Knowing He is the only one perfect helps me see myself as other, not perfect and then in return help me forgive them and myself. Hope all is well with you and family. If you would please, pray for my health right now. It's been a rough year for me in this whelm. God is blessing us over and over yet this body continues to age and fight to maintain itself. My outer women is deteriorating while my inner women is thriving. It's not life or death right now but I am more aware of how quickly things could go south. Pray for our daughter who gets overly concerned and therefore treats me like a wonderful care giver would who happens to be our daughter. And, then I resist that because I want to care for her instead. In some ways it's an issue God is using right now to continue to teach me trust and in how much to share with her. she and her family are a God send to us, but we are not invalid yet. (smiling face here), do not know how to put one this post. always something new to learn. so, if you have a prayer group at your church, would you add me to the list. We both are so not ready to give up and for us the Covid has forced us to learn better how to Member Care through social media and means besides face to face. Ace has an office in the loft and he usually spends a good portion of his day connecting with missionaries. He also told me recently that he might be open to presenting missions are churches around here which there are tons of them.
      He loves to talk about missions, overseas or here. It is his and I guess mine too passion. The lost is all around us. He is working on a relationship with the guy who takes care of the dump. It's the heart of God to seek the lost where ever we live. Thanks for being a pastor and listening to my prayer request. Blessings.

  2. Yes, we are all that crumpled piece of paper...but thanks be to Jesus, He IS able to give us a brand new piece of paper (our heart!) and make us brand new again. Only Jesus can do that. And then it is up to us to let our light shine in the darkness of this old world and not let our paper get crumpled up again. It's a daily act of sacrifice on our parts...yielding our hearts to Him fresh and anew each day...exchanging our old wrinkled paper for a new one and starting out fresh, reading His Word and praying and allowing His light to shine forth from within us. Praise God...He never fails even when we do.

    1. Sacrifice is the key word in your comment. Thank God for I John 1:9 as we journey through this sinful world. I mess up but not as much as I use to, thank God. One thing that helps me is checking my own heart with thought with truth daily. Thanks Pam for visiting.

  3. I love the imagery of us being crumpled pieces of paper, Betty, for this is so true. Only Jesus can iron out the wrinkles when we give our lives over to Him.

  4. I don't remember what site I found this one and only meant to use it on my facebook wall. But it stirred me so I had to sit down and write, thank God for His stirring. He love me so much that He illuminates simple things such as a piece of crumbled paper to carry a touch from Him. Blessing Martha, hope your summer is going well.

  5. That's a very profound quote, I always trust God and never trust a politician. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. I almost did not post my post since all I seen was cats. Is this a special group of cat lovers? I just posted a picture of me holding my grand daughters three new baby kittens on my facebook wall. Does that count?? Just joking.

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