Sunday, July 17, 2022

Another Sunday Morning

 Another Sunday has come and in a few hours be gone. Heard a good message today that caused me to to think on the past week.  Lifted up my sins, prayed for forgiveness, gave Him my week coming up, ask for help from the one who knows me best, my heavenly Father.  Came home from church encouraged in the Lord, and started this post while thoughts were fresh in my heart. 

I so often want to lay in bed on Sunday morning instead of getting up, putting on a little makeup, and getting dressed for church.  For 46 years of Sunday mornings, I have fought this same battle, not every Sunday but more than I like to count.  

You would think the enemy of my soul would get tired of losing, you think?  Here is one reason He does not give up, he wins sometimes.  One thing he never wants me to do is go to church.  The farther away from a church is how he likes to keep me.  And he has plenty reason which are lies to give me. 

Which is why I am grateful for the Holy Spirit who loves to go to church.  He keeps gently pushing me to get up, get dressed, put on a slab of makeup and ready my soul for church.  I try to always ask the Lord to give me something good for my heart, either encouragement, or conviction.  

I read this today,  {Church is not a place we go. It is a way of life we live as being God’s people in the world participating in His Mission. }

I am never sorry when I obey the sweet voice of God who knows how weak I am and how easy my thoughts and then my way of life can take on the ways of the world. 

Today the message was about Deborah and how God used her when the men were not faithful to God.  Judges 4:1-16

What did you hear in church today, or, maybe you have to listen at home to a message, what did God speak to your heart?



  1. I am always so thankful to be able to go to church. There are days it would be easier to stay home, but like you, I am always blessed when I go, and that blessing is worth whatever effort I had to make to get there. Our lesson today was from John 6:28-60, The True Bread of Heaven. So thankful for Christ being the living bread and living water that gives us eternal life. Amen.

    1. Covid sure threw a kink in going anywhere but especially to church. I am so thankful ours only closed for a couple weeks then it was wear a mask if you needed to.

  2. If I have that problem of not wanting to go to church I am in deep trouble! You probably heard the story of the man who didn't want to go to church one morning. He complained about the people, about their lack of kindness, and how they just don't like him. Besides, he just wanted to stay in bed and sleep. His wife said, "Honey, you have to go. You're the preacher." Fortunately, I have never had my wife tell me that. But as a pastor, I do struggle with those who don't want to be there. I wish I could say at 69 and almost 50 years as a pastor I don't wonder about why people don't come...but I can't. All I know is I'm glad I'm there.

    1. I think going to church is all in how ones has been a taught to think about church. Our sending church was a three time a week church and the expectation that if you did not want to come something spiritual was lacking. People were judged by their attendance and what they did there. Just coming to church and not being involved in something was deem not to mature. Our time in training was spent going to churches that held to the same belief. Living overseas and attending their church it was easy to tell which denomination they were by the times they attending church. The Baptist were three times a week, others were usually one time a week with bible studies in each others homes. People who had to walk or drive long distance were believed to be the most faithful. Yet I knew women sitting in the pews three times a week who were holding sin in their hearts but they were there. I would have a problem if a pastor did not want to go to church too and would be asking, what is wrong? I am not a pastor but I have questions others hearts when they do not want to go to church. It is the Spirit of God ministry to draw us toward the spiritual and maturity. I have to trust Him to continue to draw me when I struggle. Sometimes we travel on a Sunday and I alway use to hate that because I sort believed God was not pleased with us. I would fall back on that unconditional love He has for us and it does not contain works. Yet I am compelled because of that love to go, do and want His direction for my life. Praying for you brother for being a pastor can be as hard as digging ditches for a living. I am glad you love your ministry. We have never doubted one time that we left secular work for God's work. Yet there are times I wish we had a secular job just to be around more lost people. Which is why I think we miss over seas missionary work. One thing we noticed in the states is church now seeking different methods to reach the lost because the lost world offers so much to entertain people. People, even church people lose their attention easy. You take a tribal person, living in a remote village, no electricity, never get out to town, they will come to anything. Start of a generator and watch them pour out of their thatched house. One pastor wife told us after we showed e-tow film that they could not get their people lost. That was interesting conversation. It's not the same world I grew up in due to excess and that excess, even though good in some ways just give something else to trust in besides Jesus. God bless you brother, keep it up, it will be worth it all when we see Jesus.

  3. I do fall into that same trap, Betty, thanks to Covid. However, I "attend" Pastor Bill's service via YouTube. He is such a great preacher/teacher!
    Blessings, Betty!

    1. Thank God for those who put their sermons out there for those who cannot attend church.

  4. Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood..."

    1. To keep that truth in mind when mad at someone is a mind changer.

  5. Thanks Sandi for reading my post. Blessings
