Monday, October 7, 2024



What Does In Limbo Mean?

The phrase “in limbo” is a slang term that means “uncertain” or “in a state of stasis.” It is often used to describe a situation or person whose future status is unclear and unlikely to be determined anytime soon. 

I don't remember being in, "limbo", often in the past.  Life just seems to roll along and I gladly went with it knowing my God was in control. In the last few years I felt this limbo state more than I like to count. Getting old is new territory for me and my husband.  

Every thought or new idea must be weighed in the thinking, can we even attempt to do what we are thinking? Will our health hold up if we do that?   

Here what started all these words you are reading. Yesterday we visited a man and wife in their 80's, close to 90's.  Since we are only a couple years away from 80 it kind of shook me.  I DO NOT WANT TO BE IN MY 80'S.  I WANT TO GO BACKWARDS INSTEAD OF FORWARD.  OR AT LEAST STAY IN LIMBO. 

For sure we will get to the 80's, no skipping them unless the Lord see different and takes us or one of us home in our 70's.

This morning, I need to drag myself out of limbo and get a message out to my bible study girls.  I think I need to be with others who understands my wanting to stay in limbo.  We are going to study the names of God and the first one on the list is:

God is Elohim, He is my creator.  I have not been very thankful to the Creator lately because of the limbo state my mind has been in.  So, I am going to get off this site and send reminders to the ladies, meet at my house, this Wed, 1pm, coffee and cake will be provided.  Would love to have you drop in if you are close.  

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made...Psalm 139:14a

1 comment:

  1. Getting older is no picnic, Betty. Each day has its challenge and admission that we can't do with ease all the things we once found so easy to do. But let us always give thanks to our Father in Heaven, our Creator.
