Sunday, August 18, 2024



Aging has brought on a different kind competition concerning learning new thing. It's easier to just refuse to learn. 

Night before last I was looking up exercises for older people to save on my phone on Youtube.  I thought I knew what I was doing but according to my daughter I didn't.  It's one thing to make a mistake and you being the only one to know about it, but to have one that gets flashed over Facebook can cause shame.  I try very hard to not post offensive things, and it's mostly quotes and words that uplift Jesus for He is the reason I stay on Facebook. I have made mistakes before because I did not understand how to post something, and I think that is what happened in this incident.

I wanted to follow this one young man on YouTube who has a video on exercises for older people. Not just follow him but save his videos on my private message board.  

Somehow, without me knowing it, a video of another young hunk of a man doing a very provocative exercise got posted to my Facebook story that reads out to everyone on Facebook. The following morn my daughter came over and ask me if I was posting exercise videos late last night and I said, yes, why? When she showed me this video, she was telling how they, the family were all laughing over it. 

It was one of those moments I knew I could choose to laugh about it too or get offended they were laughing at me.     

So, what does this have to do with self-competition?

This was the quote I learned that day that helped me, {Your competition isn't against other people. You competition is against your procrastination, your negative thoughts, your comfort zone. Compete against those.)

I realized this quote I had just read that day was playing in my head and God was trying to teach me something.

Let me say this before I bring home the truth God gave me. Getting older is not fun or for sissy as they say. The body and mind does not work the way it used to; things are slower to catch on to. Learning new things take longer or never really come to a head where you can say, oh, I got this.  Learning something new is out of my comfort house so I must compete with the part of me that does not want to learn.

I do not want to stop looking things up on the internet and Facebook. I have too many friends and people I follow and who follow me. But when I fail outwardly and others know it and are laughing at my mistake, it's hard to not get mad at myself and just give up. One never gets too old to not feel embarrassed when making a mistake that others see. 

 I chose to laugh with my family over this which helped everyone, especially me.  Laughing at oneself is good therapy. While it might sound surprising, being able to make fun of yourself can be good for your self-esteem. It might even improve your relationships and help you cope more effectively with the challenges that life throws at you.

When you learn to be competitive with yourself instead of with other people, you don't have to panic because someone else got something first. You know it's coming to you at the right place, at the right time, when you put in the work, or the heart required to get it. You can put stock in what you do have and see what you have accomplished and use that as a springboard to make yourself more successful — not just to follow the footsteps of other people who have already succeeded in something. 

Emma Lord 

All this to let you  know after I laugh with my family I let my daughter teach me on my phone how to do what I wanted to do.  She never talked down to me or made me feel stupid at my lack of knowledge.  So maybe, just maybe this old women could step out of her comfort zone and learn more new things.  


  1. It is so healthy to be able to laugh at ourselves, Betty, and I'm trying to cope with getting older, too. I'll never stop learning new things as long as I am able. Curiosity can keep us young at heart. Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Martha, for the encouragement to continue to learn new things. My heart has always leaned toward helping others in the form of counseling drawing from years of experience and being self-taught in some areas. I have read tons of book on emotional issues that are caused from wrong thinking. Before I got saved, I drew from secular books which was helpful to a point. After salvation with the help of the Holy Spirit I realized all that reading, studying, searching I had done fit right into with the gifts the Lord gave me. Right from the start I begged Him for wisdom, insight, along with ability to be able to use it to help women. I have always wanted to study Phycology and subject that go along with it. I am now currently in therapy for repressed anger that keep cropping up. I have struggled with PTSD and anxiety long before I knew what it was. It all started when I was that little girl growing up in an abusive home, then married way to young and not having any skills to know how to be a wife. My husband came with his own issue from a dysfunctional home. The fact we have been married 60 years in Oct. is nothing short of a miracle. After salvation with the Word to go to and some good Christian books my desire grew, and God has used this uneducated woman to help other women. I love the therapist I am going to for she is a Christian. She has helped me so much see where the anger that rises in me comes from. I have had trauma after trauma that left hurt from a little girl to our early marriage issues and really never grieved that hurt. I have shoved it in a back closet of my heart and just did what I learned to do as a little girl, survive. The freedom that has come to my heart lately is sometimes more than I can explain. It makes me want to help others even more. I am watching a series, Call of the Midwives and just today a quote was said that brought more freedom. I am putting it on my Facebook. "Shame will keep us in all kinds of prisons if we let it and keep us from those we love and who love us". Being ashamed of something we have done in the past carries a heavy mindset of not being worthy of love of even loving others completely". I am so grateful that the love of Christ does not carry any hoops I needed to jump through. He handed it to be from a cross and an empty tomb. Wow, I just wrote my Facebook. Even though you and I have not met in person, your comments to me have always been encouraging, I think you and I would do well together. Thanks for being my blog friend. Blessings.
