Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Convicting Poem

Not too long after I got saved, I came across this poem and was so moved by it I penned in the front of my bible. I begin to pray, God, less of Betty and more of You about that time. The lessons I learned have helped me through the struggles that come to us. I do not have to rely on my love for other, I only have to rely on God's love for them.

There was no love shown by my Dad growing up which turned my heart to becoming a survivor despite the pain. I learned without Christ that's the only way we can survive hardship. With Him living in me I learned His love for me was the strongest bond because our relationship did not depend on me. He paid it all for me, and I paid nothing for the relationship. NOW THE POEM,

You know Lord how I serve you with great emotional fervor in the limelight.
You know how eagerly I speak for you at a Ladies fellowship
You know how excited I am when I promote a fellowship group.
You know my genuine enthusiasm at a Bible Study..
But I wonder, how would I re-act
If you pointed to a basin of water
And ask me to wash the calloused feet
Of a bent and wrinkled old women,
Day after day, month after month, in a room where nobody knew or saw me.
I wonder, Lord, WOULD I ? Ruth Harms Calkins

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." — Philippians 4:13,

A blessed footnote.  The night before my Dad died God cleared his mind up as if he had never drunk or had a stroke.  My husband led him to the Lord that night.  We actually thought we would be bringing him home in a few days.  The doctor called me early the next morning to tell me my Dad has passed away.  Immediately the thief on the cross came to mind.  He had put his trust in Jesus dying for him on that cross, not in any works he did our could do.  Simple trust in the truth of the gospel.  


Friday, July 19, 2024


The line in this quote spoke heavily to my heart. "There is nothing stronger than someone who continues to stay soft in a world that hasn't always been kind to them".

Often, I have allowed an unkindness done to me to harden my heart against others. I can become cynical and judgmental toward those who have hurt me. Let me repeat those few words that struct a cord in me.

There is nothing stronger, (wow, oh wow, kindness makes us stronger!) That alone should make one desire kindness. It's not really a natural feeling or act. It does take a look at our Savior to really understand what true kindness is. He gave out kindness toward those who beat Him, hung Him on a cross to die. Kindness was Him saying at the end, Father forgive them, they know not what they do.

Oh, that the kindness of Christ would flow as easy out of me as it did Him when I am treated with unkindness. We really cannot see the harm unkindness does to a person till we ourselves have it entreated to us.

Read the quote again, what stands out to you the most.
May be an image of tree and text that says 'Be the person who cares. Be the person who makes an effort, who loves without hesitation. Be the person who makes people feel seen. There is nothing stronger than someone who continues to stay-soft in a world that hasn't always been kind to them. DAILY INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES facebook.com/d.i.quotes'

Thursday, July 4, 2024


Facebook always ask what I am thinking today so I answered with this battle cry. Freedom is on my mind today. Only one thing shows the strength and power of freedom then this iconic scene in Braveheart.

In the Year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets; they fought like Scotsmen, and won their freedom."

In the year of our Lord 2024 we need to show the strength and power of free people and vote. God help me to have a brave heart as we do battle at so many levels. From the highest choices to vote we to how I live my life on a daily basis.

Their cry was freedom in Braveheart, Jesus cry of freedom on the cross was, IT IS FINISHED. JESUS IS MY BRAVEHEART.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Harmful Comfort Zone


Recently I have been listening to a podcast by Jason Seib. His words have stirred my soul and given me a challenge to take up. 

You see, it's my desire to grow into a deeper relationship with God.  As I listen to the podcast, I realize growth has always come when I am out of my comfort zone. When I take up a challenge to change my mind.  

What do you think about the statement Jason makes, that we are addicted to comfort!!!  I ask myself the question, what do I turn to when I am stressed?  I did not like my answers I can assure you.  

We all have our addictions, chocolate, soda, cigarettes, shopping, pills, strong drink, mindless hours watching TV, etc.   I usually turn to food now that I don't smoke when I am stressed. I love to chew gum but it's so bad for my teeth and causes sore in my mouth, but it makes me feel comforted. Crazy. I trade comfort over health.  

I smoked when I got saved and it bothered me, but I was addicted to the idea smoking relaxed me.  Forget lung cancer, the smell, the cost, it relaxed me.  I did quit right before a Christmas that would be a family gathering in which most smoked. I can remember thinking I will never get through those few days without failing not to smoke.  I did, thanks to a change of mindset.  The thought that I was putting something so harmful in my body which also housed the Holy Spirit was the change of mind attitude that brought victory over smoking. 

The deeper I go into the mind of Christ the more I want to shed comfortable habits that are harmful.  Now at 77, semi-retired, my mindset sometimes says I deserve to be comfortable.  With no children at home, I can sleep as late as I want, eat whatever I want, go whenever I want...get my drift.  Comfortable is all about me, me, me.  I believe sugar is addictive but cookies throughout my days with a cup of tea surfing on my phone is sure a comfortable feeling.  

There is nobody that ever walked this earth who shed being comfortable for the sake of others like Jesus.  He left heaven, not a shabby place, no sin, no death, etc.  His life on earth lived for us was not an easy life.  This was His mindset, Father if it be your will.